Sunset Beach Park Manalusu Beautiful South Garut

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EXPLORATIONINDONESIA.COM - Manalusu Park Beach is located in Cigadog Village, Cikelet District, Garut Regency, West Java Province (44153), Indonesia.

Sunset Beach Park Manalusu Beautiful South Garut

The beach of Taman Manalusu in South Garut is indeed very beautiful to visit but cannot be separated from the beauty of each seaside along the southern sea which has its own uniqueness.

One of the beaches of Taman Manalusu is now starting to be widely known through tourist reviews and social media.

This Manalusu Park beach has the beauty of white sand, green coral, the place is still beautiful, ornamental fish, there are rows of fishing boats, many interesting picture spots for selfies and green seaweed to decorate the corals on the edge of the sea.

Beach Park Manalusu Beautiful South Garut

You can visit this beach about 3-4 hours from Garut Regency.

Taman Manalusu Beach is also located in one direction with other beaches such as Sayang Heulang Beach, Santolo Beach, Teletubies Sayang Heulang Hill, Taman Manalusu Beach, Cicalobak Beach, Rancabuaya Beach, and many others.

So for those of you who want to go to the south coast, you don't feel like you're stuck, you only need to visit one or 2 beaches, but everything on the south coast can be visited by EIC friends to your heart's content, of course.

Every tourist at Taman Manalusu Beach can carry out various interesting activities such as fishing for those of you who really like fishing (fishing), playing water, playing white sand, sunbathing, hunting pictures, enjoying typical beach cuisine (grilled fish), renting fishing boats, and so on. - other.

Sunset Beach Park Manalusu Beautiful South Garut

For you tourists from out of town or abroad who need data on the nearest lodging, here are some recommendations including:

  • Pondok Asri Inn is located on Jl. Raya Pameungpeuk;

  • The Nuansa Bahari Guest House is located on Jl. Cilauteureun Number 139;

  • Citra Agung Inn is located on Jl. Santolo Cikeulet seaside;

  • Barokah Inn is located on Jl. Cilauteureun;

  • The Karang Laut Sayang Heulang Inn is located on Jl. By the sea dear heulang.

Inflatable Boat - Beach Park Manalusu

Entrance ticket

For 2-wheeled vehicle entrance ticket prices are very cheap Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 15. 000, 4 wheel minibus Rp. 40. 000 to 50. 000 during holidays, other 4 wheels adjust the number of passengers, even on weekdays sometimes it can be free (free).