Portrait of Putri Malu Falls, the Charm of the Princess in Lampung

EXPLORATIONINDONESIA.COM - Portrait of Putri Malu Falls, The Charm of the Princess in Lampung. Putri Malu Falls lies in Juku Batu Town, Banjit Area, Way Kanan Rule, Lampung District, Indonesia. This falls lies in the Forest Register 24 area which is actually much coming from residential areas.

Portrait of Putri Malu Falls, Image Credit: @inilampungyay

Putri Malu Falls lies mountains which are still beautiful with tropical forests which make this waterfall still natural. For those of you who visit this waterfall, you will be amazed by its beauty.

Putri Malu Waterfall Tourist Spot

To get to the location of Putri Malu Waterfall, you will travel about half an hour from Juku Batu.
The tiring journey process will pay off if you arrive at the Putri Malu Waterfall which has a height 90 meters.

This waterfall is surrounded by rocks that make your selfies more interesting. clear water conditions, clean, and refreshing if we take a shower or just soak under this Putri Malu Waterfall.

The torrent of water rushing from the top of the waterfall makes the temperature cooler around the waterfall. You better bring supplies such as warm water and coffee to warm the body if you feel cold.

Portrait of Putri Malu Falls, Image Credit: @yundaa10

In addition, if you visit Putri Malu Waterfall during the rainy season, bring a raincoat and jacket thick so it doesn't get too cold.

Route to Putri Malu Waterfall

From downtown Bandar Lampur, you go to Bukit Kemuning via Kotabumi, then continue to Baradatu. Prior to the Baradatu market there's Indomaret, factor your car towards the delegated the Trans Sumatra roadway. 

Traveling coming from Bandar Lampung towards Baradatu could be gotten to through taking a trip around 3-4 hrs.

Continue back to Banjit Market, Menanga Siamang, Menanga Jaya and stop at Juku Batu Village. From here the four wheels can no longer continue, they can only use two wheels (motorcycles).

Portrait of Putri Malu Falls, Image Credit: @rakharamadhanu

If you have actually reached Juku Batu, you need to trip an Ojek Gunung along with a customized motorcycle towards intercross hill roadways through paying out a charge of about Rp. one hundred, every motorcycle in addition to a traveler direct.

The trip coming from Juku Batu towards the Putri Malu Falls takes around thirty minutes utilizing mechanized cars.

Do you like visiting beautiful natural tourist destinations? Then you are suitable for visiting Putri Malu Waterfall Tour with a natural, cool, refreshing atmosphere, and of course beautiful to see the bursts of water The waterfall that is so swift from this height is an extraordinary sensation that you can feel.

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