Rahong Waterfall Cisewu A Million Stories Yet Exotic

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EXPLORATIONINDONESIA.COM - For those of you who want to feel the cool air typical of the mountains with an atmosphere of clear, unpolluted water can swim leisurely, take selfies but it's also free (free) of course, please visit this one waterfall.

Rahong Waterfall Cisewu A Million Stories Yet Exotic

Homecomers or those who want to travel through the Bandung via Pangalengan via Talegong via Cisewu via Rancabuaya via route Pamengpeuk via Pangandaran must pass through Curug Rahong which is located in Sukajaya Village, Cisewu District, Garut Regency.

Rahong is a waterfall that has a height of about 10 meters with prominent rock characteristics between the water discharge that flows in the middle of the waterfall and is located on the shoulder of the road between Cisewu via Rancabuaya and become a favorite place for tourists to take a break to unwind on the trip.

The attraction of the location of the Rahong waterfall is easy to reach because it is close to the roadside and even visible from the top of the bridge and looks beautiful / natural there is no manager who has developed many facilities for visitors to this waterfall such as changing rooms and toilets after swimming / playing in the water.

During holidays such as weekends and Eid holidays which in the next few days we will live Rahong Waterfall This is a place to play water and swim, especially for local tourists.

This Rahong waterfall has the characteristics of water that is not so heavy and clear and has 3 levels of depth different depths:

1. The first hole is the deepest but not yet known for sure for its exact size;

2. The second depth is moderate but it needs to be underlined that this is the most dangerous place because there are so many take a toll on all of you who want to swim in the depths of the two admins remind you to be careful;

3. The third depth is medium, now this is the most favorite and safest place for playing water and swimming.

For tourists who are curious to enjoy the natural atmosphere of Rahong Waterfall, please stop for a break here but remember to maintain etiquette, manners and keep clean.

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