The Mystery of the Romance Number "4" That Tickles at the Clockwork

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EXPLORATIONINDONESIA.COM - Many people, both tourists, historians, and also ordinary people ask questions about lift four which shows 4 o'clock at Jam Gadang is not as it should be.

In elementary school we are taught that the writing of the number 4 in Roman numerals is a capital "i" and a capital "v", like this IV.

However, at Jam Gadang there is an oddity in the writing of the four lifts, at Jam Gadang it is written the letter "i" large as many as 4 letters, like this "IIII".

This is certainly a big question mark for anyone who pays attention to this uniqueness, therefore various speculations about this mystery have arisen, but until now the real cause has not been known.

Some of the speculations circulating you may have heard, including there is a history that says the writing was intentional and has been regulated by the Dutch Government, because they interpret symbol IV as the sentence I Victory.

The sentence I Victory is considered disturbing because it can foster a spirit of resistance against the Dutch East Indies Government from the community.

There is also a story circulating that says that the writing of number IIII is a marker and a reminder that during the construction process of Jam Gadang there were 4 workers who died.

There is also another opinion which states that the writing of IIII was an old writing before any changes were made. At first, the number four was written IIII with 4 letters I.

This is evidenced in sundials made before the 19th century. Almost all clocks at that time used IIII for the fourth digit, including the Clock Tower because it was made in the early 19th century.

And another speculation is because blacksmiths at that time thought to make IIII more efficient and faster than making number IV.

I don't know which of the several versions of the mystery story lift 4 above is true, what is clear is that there is no prohibition for you to speculate, just don't let it become a hoax story.

Clock Tower Building Structure

Jam Gadang has a basic plan of 13 x 4 meters with a tower height of 26 meters and consists of several levels.

The Jam Gadang building consists of four levels, where on the first level there is a room used by officers to monitor anyone who goes upstairs.

On the second level, you will see a pendulum that weighs the clock. On the third level, you will see the Clock Tower machine which is antique and has a high historical value.

On the fourth level is a place to put a large bell. From the fourth floor you can see the natural beauty of Bukittinggi.

There is something unique about the construction of the Clock Tower in Bukittinggi, namely the construction materials.

It turns out that the Jam Gadang building stands firmly without using iron supports like the existing buildings at this time.

The construction of Jam Gadang only uses a mixture of egg white, lime and white sand. Without the cement we usually use.

Just imagine how many eggs were used to build a building as tall as the Clock Tower, it's only natural that the construction funds spent up to 3,000 guilders.

It is said that in history there are also other famous buildings that were built using only egg whites, including: the Colloseum in Rome and also the Sultan Grand Mosque in Riau which was built using only egg whites as adhesive.

The Most Popular Bukittinggi City Tour Clock Tower

Jam Gadang only exists in Indonesia, and because of its centuries-old history and being in a city with extraordinary natural beauty, Jam Gadang has become the most popular tourist destination in West Sumatra.

Many local tourists such as from regencies in North Sumatra such as the city of Medan or from the province of Riau make Bukittinggi a destination city for tours.

The popularity of Jam Gadang can be compared to the popularity of the National Monument or Monas in Jakarta, because these two icons have high historical value.

If you visit West Sumatra, it's a shame if you don't take the time to visit Jam Gadang even if it's just to take pictures.

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