Attractions, Facilities and Entrance Tickets for Cilopang Adventure Camp Garut

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Attractions, Facilities and Entrance Tickets for Cilopang Adventure Camp Garut

EXPLORATIONINDONESIA.COM - Cilopang Adventure Camp is an adventure park located in Cilopang, Ranbracha, Kec. Tarogong Kaler, Garut Regency, West Java 44151, Indonesia.

Cilopang Adventure Camp Garut

This place offers a variety of adventure activities and nature sports, such as camping, cycling, archery, and more.

Cilopang Adventure Camp also has complete facilities, such as tents and camping equipment. as well as relaxing and gathering areas for tourists.

Camping can be an attractive option for traveling in the Kab. Garut, especially the teenagers who are used to sleeping in the open on a mattress and sleeping bag with the night breeze blowing sepoy.

At Cilopang Adventure Camp, tourists can enjoy adventurous experiences and socialize with others. There are various activities to do, such as exploring the forest, enjoying natural scenery, and doing natural sports.

Cilopang Adventure Camp also provides lodging for tourists who want to stay and enjoy longer adventure experience.

Cilopang Adventure Camp Attraction

The attraction of the Cilopang area is the existence of a lake with an area of approximately one hectare, located not far away from the camping site. Lake with clear green water, according to the local community the water never recedes or dries up, even though the long dry season hits.

If you are planning to visit Cilopang Adventure Camp, it is advisable to pay attention to the opening hours and closing hours, as well as information on entrance fees and available facilities.

Also make sure to bring appropriate clothing and equipment for the activities to be carried out, such as clothing for camping or sports equipment.

In addition, Cilopang Adventure Camp also offers tour packages that are tailored to your needs and needs tourist interest. Some of the tour packages to choose from include camping packages, cycling packages, and archery pack.

Each tour package is accompanied by facilities and activities according to the package.

Cilopang Adventure Camp is perfect for those looking for an adventurous and social experience with other people. This place offers a natural and cool atmosphere, as well as a variety of activities done to improve health and increase a sense of comfort.

Cilopang Adventure Camp Entrance Ticket

For entry tickets on weekdays and weekends, Cilopang Adventure Camp is IDR 15,000.00.

Cilopang Adventure Camp is also the perfect place to enjoy a vacation with your family, friends, lovers or co-workers.

Don't hesitate to visit Cilopang Adventure Camp and enjoy an adventure experience that is not forgotten! Contact the manager for more information about tour packages and available facilities.

Welcome to visit and have fun!

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